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比利时公路安全协会公益广告活动 自己的葬礼

比利时公路安全协会公益广告活动 自己的葬礼

广告主:比利时公路安全协会Belgian Road Safety Institute
She had barely started living her life on this earth. Death may be difficult to accept but it’s part of life after all. Let’s take a moment to reflect on this. Some close friends and family will now say a word. “I thought this only happened to others. But now here I am. Why did you have to go? Why you? The person I did everything with? With whom I could share everything? I met you almost 20 years ago. You are the brother I never had. I remember those Sunday mornings. We used to play catch on Mum and Dad’s bed. We still had a list of things to do. In April we were going to Brazil together. It was the night of October 21. The telephone rang. But it wasn’t you. It was the police. Speeding, just this one time, marked the end of you. I cannot and do not want to try and understand. It feels so stupid. You in a coffin. And me even more so standing up here talking to you. My darling child. I want to be strong. But how is that possible. I am a father who is burying his daughter. It is terrible seeing you plucked from our lives like that. You were my friend, my support and my hope. You fooled around again on the road and it was one time too many. Kim, this time I can still ask you. Please be careful when you are driving. I don’t want to lose you. Please never speed again. We love you too much to lose you. Please listen to me. Slow down.” Convince your friends to slow down before it’s too late.

标签:公益营销 IBSR广告 比利时广告 病毒营销 20something广告公司


nightingale2015-12-30 18:26:23 回复
5991032982015-04-15 13:50:56 回复
5991032982015-04-15 13:50:45 回复