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塞尔维亚剧院新剧宣传 伪装的出租车司机

@ 2014-07-16

塞尔维亚剧院新剧宣传 伪装的出租车司机




It's not in the way, is it? No, of course not!

So where are you heading? Sarajevska Street.

Pretty girl... My daughter, Desa, looks just like her...

How old is she?


Beautiful as a dream... but she's a little dumb when it comes to guys...


My Desa was on a graduate excursion, they went to Greece.

They had a great time.

She met someone... not to bore you... that's youth I guess.

The problem was when she came back!

We've all gone through that...

You couldn't hear a word out of her...

Something happened... but I couldn't even ask...

A bit of time passes, someone rings the door bell, I open the door... A black guy is standing there.


A black guy!

As black as a telephone!

But I wasn't surprised as we live near the embassy.

I thought he was lost.

Until my Desa squealed "Dad, that's him!"

My jaw dropped...

I'm a tolerant guy, I've been to the west, I've seen the world...

But it didn't feel right...

But she insisted, "Dad, we're going to get married!"

And I'm like "Desa, my son, don't make daddy run you over with his car"

Marriage!? What in God's name are you talking about?

So she didn't go?

She went!

But before that she cried and she wept, stared at the wall...

In the end I let her... What can I do?

And she went?

She went!

And she's over there now?

For the first year everything was okay. On Skype all the time, she's joyful... heaven!


But after that, we hear from her less and less.

I knew there was a problem.

Well, of course.

One day she complains to her mother so I don't hear "Mum, he beats me!"

Oh dear...

"Mum he beats me every day, he's as jealous as a hound!"

You son of a...

Who's kid do you think you're gonna...

I'm going to tear the heart out of your chest! If you get me...


I told the wife, "Pack my things! I'm going down there to kill him!"

Is she your only child?

My one and only! Desa... The apple of my eye.

You know, if it starts like that, there's no hope.

Oh dear God...

You know, if you want to hear this story told more poetically

You can check it out at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre.

Here are the cameras all around you.

I just told you the story of Othello!

I'm literally sweating!

You don't pay for this, this one's on us.

Oh come on!

No, no way!

I'm actually an actor, Nebojsa Ljubisic, I'm glad we met.

Me too!

Enjoy Belgrade!

Good thing it didn't happen for real!

All the best.

标签:其他营销方案 Yugoslav广告 塞尔维亚广告 品牌营销案例 

