微软live search 特维持制作了一场轰轰烈烈的广告运动~
《left vs right》 仔细听听两个主持人在试音的时候都说了啥 o(∩_∩)o...哈哈
网站设置了一个输入框(what's the topic)
只要输入美国大选相关问题 比如伊拉克战争(Iraq war)、经济(the economy)
那么两个主持人就会进行激烈的讨论 :-)~
Piggybacking the election hoopla, McCann Worldgroup, San Francisco developed a more humorous and less annoying online takeoff of Hannity & Colmes that lets audiences interact with two fake pundits, a liberal male and conservative female. ;
Visitors can ask questions on a variety of hot-topic political terms including "Iraq war," "gay marriage" or "the economy." The two anchors then square off in a brief, witty point-counterpoint argument. Meanwhile, a large screen opens in between that shows actual Microsoft Live Search results and links to your inquiries. Of course, if you're stalling on typing, the anchors will pass the time by either playing the guitar or talking on their phone. Wonder what they do if you ask about antitrust legislation or net neutrality...
Client: Microsoft
Agency: McCann Worldgroup, San Francisco
Executive Creative Director: Rob Bagot,
John McNeil
CW/Video Co-Director: Peter Rudy
AD/Video Co-Director: Dylan DiBona
Copywriter: Greg Mills,
Ryan Hartsfield
Interactive Designer: Robert Brown
Content Writer: Chad Carter,
Dan Fierman,
Kirkland Moody,
Edward Rice,
Ari Voukydis
Director, Interactive Production: Jennifer Rose
Director, Interactive Studio Operations: Kathryn Redekop
Senior Interactive Producer: Elena Christopher
Technical Lead: Chris Crismond
Senior Interactive Developer: Aaron Smith
Flash Developer: Jonathan Cipriano
Interactive Developer: Jonathan Rose,
Sage Baggott