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Smart自行车广告 今天我不健身


这是德国smart为他们的自行车所做的音乐MV,取名为I skip leg day-今天我不健身.

通常健身的人,都是上半身比较强壮,下半身比较弱(注意看他的脚),而这支Mv唱的I skip leg day,就是提出今天大家不要去健身房了,骑着自行车去练练下半身吧.


I’m not the perfect singer

but my biceps lasts for two

I lift my granny with one finger, baby

and she giggles when I do

I’m half a Hulk half a ballerina

but I don’t care about that

well, my legs look like a wiener

cause I don’t need no stronger leg

I'll be skipping leg day (I'm skipping leg day)

I'll be skipping leg day (we’re skipping leg day)

I don't really need it 'cause on my way

the need of muscles is passé

I'll be skipping leg day

don't you know that bicep curls

they get ya girls

and neither squats nor jumping jacks

form this 1,2,3,4,5 sixpacks

look at my belly: it’s impressive

I’m washing puppies on my abs

while my upper part is massive

my lower part looks like a mess

on my way I am supported

from my bike I got the props

though my body looks distorted

my mommy loves my muscle top

I'll be skipping leg day (I'm skipping leg day)

I'll be skipping leg day (We’re skipping leg day)

I don't really need it 'cause on my way

the need of muscles is passé


所属奖项 2015戛纳广告节获奖作品 2015戛纳广告节获奖作品 该作品获 影视特效 - 铜奖

标签: 交通类视频广告 Smart汽车广告  BBDO广告公司


Vanfree2016-07-18 15:04:07 回复
练胸不练腿 迟早要阳痿
team2015-11-09 15:31:35 回复
zhangwenzhe5312015-08-31 21:11:33 回复
可乐唔飞冰2015-08-27 11:43:14 回复