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英国关注老年人公益组织Age UK广告 拥抱老年

@ 2014-04-21
广告主:GgeUk 广告公司:Karmarama

英国关注老年人公益组织Age UK广告,倡导健康看待自己的老年,拥抱老年;背景音来自知名演员Christopher Lee,旁白是英国诗人Roger McGough专为此广告而做的诗

There is no cure for ageing
Because ageing isn't an illness, but a way of life.
And some are better at it than others
The secret?
Think yourself younger than you really are:
Design a website, invent an app
Take up Zumba, forget to nap
Time flies, they say, but it's us that fly
Time sits on its hands, as we rush by.
In the blink of an eye
The brush of a tear
You are old.
But valued still.
Welcome to the fold.

标签: 公益广告  

