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oneshow:Stop smoking

@ 2008-09-22


Apoteket (Swedish Pharmacy)

Stop smoking

On apoteket.se/slutaroka, there is a complete talk show about all the positive things that await you if you stop smoking. You can either view the entire program from beginning to end, or you can jump about in the menu between the topics you personally think are the most interesting. In the talk show, which is hosted by a well-known Swedish anchorman, you meet various guests and you can also test yourself in a couple of interactive items. You can pull the bobble and join Apoteket’s stop smoking programme any time you choose. A stop-smoking coach, who can help with personal recommendations regarding medication and general advice, will then contact you and stay in contact with you while you give up smoking.

Website: Stop smoking »



标签:公益广告 活动网站 

