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Flock is The Marketing Transformation Company. Marketing transformation is the process of reinventing an organisational marketing ecosystem, making it fit for the future. We focus on the operational aspects of marketing, improving marketing effectiveness & efficiency. We are "compulsive fixers"; fixing marketing strategies, skills & structures, marketing processes, marketing technology resources and agency rosters.

We've been described as "Great marketers that consult, rather than consultants learning marketing". Flock's solutions are always future and consumer led. We use "The Flock" as a metaphor for working as a team inspired by the Flock's of Starlings that build beautiful moving patterns in the sky. In the same way we work to lift and support one another, harnessing our skills and experience to improve the overall outcome.

Flock is a family. We work with a consistency of spirit that underpins everything we do and how we do it. This defines our culture; represented through our values and personality.


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