2008oneshow互动类金奖作品 The Piss Screen(小便屏)

该案例比较早,视频可能看不了,请在电脑上访问 https://iwebad.com/case/129.html

The Brief

Try to encourage people to take a taxi with Frankfurt Taxi Services after they’ve had a few drinks, rather than get behind the wheel of their own car.


The Challenge

So how to capture the attention of any potential drunk drivers? Well, where do most people go when they’re drunk? (Apart from the bar, that is. Or maybe a kebab.) They go to the toilet. As such, we thought the urinal would be the perfect medium to reach our target audience in a fresh, surprising way.




Our Solution

The Piss-Screen - a pressure-sensitive inlay set within urinals, enabling users to play while they pee. We installed this newfangled creation in male restrooms across Frankfurt, teaming up with a variety of bars, clubs and cafés. The game itself was displayed on a screen above each urinal, and would automatically start as soon as someone began to pee. The player could then control the car whilst relieving himself – if they wanted the car to go right, they simply peed to the right
(and visa versa).



The Message

“Too pissed to drive?”

“Take a Taxi instead”

“Call: 069-733030″

结果:看看就明白了 不翻译了!


- 2.400.000 hits at Google

- 500.000 visits on the Site

- Hundreds of postings on major A-Blogs

- Press releases in Gear-Magazin

- Press inquiries from Gee Magazin, Rolling Stone, FHM, Sunday Times


