2008 canneslions 戛纳广告节互动类银狮作品MADE OF JAPAN

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'Made Of Japan' is Onitsuka Tiger's tagline. Assignment: create madeofjapan.com where visitors experience this in a new and inspiring way. Solution: select 125 weblogs about Japan. Every 30 minutes download and scan the weblog images, analyse and sort them according to colour, file as mini-images. Using this colour palette show an Onitsuka Tiger shoe on the site. Every mini-image is clickable and takes you to the corresponding weblog about Japan. It's Made Of Japan, over and over again. Budget to create the site: 35,000 euros. Campaign budget: 0 euros. Results: 300,000 unique visitors in 1 year, 14,500 sites link to madeofjapan.com.