雀巢《KIT KAT》互动营销案例

In a first for Nestle, a new Kit Kat product variant is being launched entirely online. JWT and RMG Connect Sydney have created the digital launch for the new Kit Kat Cookies and Cream.
The Australian reports "The company will spend about $1 million, more than 70 per cent of which will go to social media websites such as MySpace, to promote the face of Kit Kat Chunky: a character called Hans Fagerlund. Significantly, Nestle confectionary will not use any traditional media to promote the brand. "
之前来自澳大利亚媒体的报道:“雀巢公司讲花费一百万美元,而超过百分之70将用于社交网络(比如MySpace.com),通过这个来促销(推广)矮个子KitKat:一个非常有个性的人,名字叫Hans Fagerlund;很明星,雀巢公司将不在投入太多的钱再传统的媒体上面,来促销这个新品牌(产品)”
Facebook.com插件页面 得有Facebook帐户才能用哦!
Facebook上Hans Fagerlund 的个人主页 同样得用facebook帐户才成哦!
The JWT/RMG campaign has been created specifically for digital communication and the content has been created to engage, play and share predominantly via social networking media. The digital media mix includes social networking & video sharing sites, instant messaging, search, mobile and interactive video banner ads.
In comments to The Australian, John Broome, Nestle's confectionery head of marketing said "that five years ago the money would have gone to television, radio and outdoor, but the internet and social media were now better for generating word-of-mouth among teens."
同样来着澳大利亚媒体的报道,John Broome,雀巢公司的(糖果食品)营销总监说,“在五年前,我们会把钱花在电视、广播、户外,但现在互联网和社交网络在青少年中是最好的口碑传播方式了”