2008年cannelions戛纳广告节互动广告类银狮 ELIMINATE(除去)

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2008年cannelions戛纳广告节互动广告类银狮 ELIMINATE(除去)


Poor health is the major transmission cause for most illnesses that affect Third World citisens. The client requested an email to raise awareness over the imminent need for sanitation. Our users' help was necessary to avoid a severe humanitarian crisis and we wanted to let them eliminate the negative part of the email they had just received. Thus, we investigated how to modify the email and we found a technical solution never seen before. The effect was really amazing: when the user eliminates what he is supposed to eliminate, new illustrations, unseen till that moment, were shown. Results: Open ratio: 39%
点击这里看邮件案例 ,邮件的图案是一开始是苍蝇,然后你全新按enter删除,删除后就会出现老鼠,在出现蚊子,用邮件特有的形式来告诉大家,第三世界传染病源很多,需要我们一起合力..


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